Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Amateur movie review: Monsters vs Aliens (3D)

Monsters vs Aliens 3D viewed 04/11/09. Premiered 04/11/09. This is my very first 3D movie ever! I’ve been aware of 3D movies since I was in grade school, hearing about it through my friends as they commented on how they ended up with headaches from staring too hard and too long. Thankfully, vast improvements in this visual technology have made it less harmful to the senses. The goggles given to us for viewing were not the disposable, paper type. However, the goggles need to be tweaked a little. By that I mean they should’ve made them wrap-around types to keep minor light-reflections that are coming from behind the individual’s head. Unfortunately, in this movie, there were only a few scenes where the 3-d rendering really stood out (no pun intended). For those in the audience too young to know or care, the movie paid homage to many sci-fi and horror B-movies from the 50s. I may not be a connoisseur of such B-movies, but I am aware enough of them to know which character and scene came from what 50s B-movie. I thought the funniest character in the movie was that gelatinous monster named B.O.B. as voiced by Seth Rogen. Another was the homage to Mothra creature called Insectosaurus. As for the movie, I gave it two stars.

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