Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Amateur movie reviewer: Terminator: Salvation

viewed 05/22/09. Premiered 05/21/09. The movie director must’ve been a big fan of the franchise to pay homage to the previous films and redeemed itself from the third "Terminator" flick, “Rise of the Machines.”I certainly enjoyed the humble origins of the famous phrase of the franchise, “Come with me if you want to live,” as well as the obvious nod to the first Terminator flick with the phrase, “I’ll be back” from Kyle Reese (Connor’s father) and the semi-guest appearance of the original Terminator – Arnold as the T-800 in the form of a digital effect (speaking of which, is a great improvement over the digital effects of a few years ago – anyone remember the cheesy, fakey and highly primitive attempt at a digital Dwayne Johnson from “The Scorpion King”?). Sure, there are still a few holes in the plot; like why John Conner seemed to have a lapse in memory when it came to the events that transpired in the Terminator 2 & 3 movies at different moments of the film. He, of all people, in the war against Skynet would have insider knowledge of the Terminators. And why did he act surprised when he discovered that Marcus was a Terminator. I enjoyed this flick, but there wasn’t any and many scenes that made it really memorable.

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