Monday, December 29, 2008

Great! It's Monday!

Can't believe the year is about to end. Last Monday seemed like yesterday and here I am watching Monday Night Raw again as I type this. Looking back, this year wasn't too eventful for me. The only really fun thing I did this year was go to Portland, OR. Yeah, I can feel those "Huhs?" resonating in the background. At least my financial situation is looking up. Work is no inspiration either; again the pay is what makes it worth it though. A co-worker who shall remain nameless has been spilling the beans about our other co-worker's indescretions. Funny how he seems to get dirt on our co-workers though he's been working at my place of employment for less time than I have. Then again, I don't mingle much with my co-workers and I don't kiss ass trying to endear my self to them just to be accepted. This guy annoys me sometimes though I try my best (and succeed) putting up with him. Man, there's just got to be a line of work out there for me that suits my personality and interest as well as inspire me to be my best. I feel and treated like I'm the third stringer water boy in this team.

Outside of work, I'm hoping to get into some real mischief next year as the gears of my fragile little mind are turning, plotting how I will execute the deed. Looks like I'm running out of proverbial gas at the moment as I begin to feel the sandman beckon. I just wanted to get this here blog started before I succumb into laziness. As I look at the clock, I's waaaaay past my bedtime!!!

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