Friday, February 6, 2009

Amateur Movie Review: Push

Basically, there’s really nothing special about this movie. The concept of a secret organization assembling psychics of various abilities for diverse purposes is nothing new (look up remote-viewing in the net), but the categorization of the various psychics based on their skills/powers was pretty cool. Unfortunately, there were no “Holy shit, that was awesome!” moments in the film (obviously, I've been watchng too many movies like this one that I'm quite jaded). This would probably make a great TV or mini-series; the writers could better flesh out the characters’ personality and motivations; perhaps give the concept of the Division and the characters more depth (much like the TV series "Heroes"). Though seeing the Movers in action was fun to watch, I couldn’t help but make comparisons to the Jedis in “Star Wars” when they were moving/throwing things around during the fight. Even the Pushers ability begged comparison to the Jedi mind trick; only the Pusher’s ability seemed more potent and they weren’t as lovely as Camilla Belle. The rest of the cast, from Chris Evan’s character Nick, and Djimon Hounsou’s Division Agent Henry Carver to Dakota Fanning’s Cassie Holmes were fun to watch and pretty much kept their characters, and perhaps, the movie from being too cardboard-ish or cartoonish. Would I recommend it? Only if you’re fans of the four principal actors in the film; otherwise, wait for it to come out on DVD. I gave it three stars!!!

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